"We'll help you detox & align your inner Light."

Improve your inner balance & reduce stress with customized sound therapy.


Say goodbye to free radical and toxins with our natural detox solutions that can be done in as little as 30 minute sessions.


Let us use the latest technology in biophotonics to educate you on your energy wellness so you can focus on where needed.


Find the root cause of your stress. Our stress could be related to our internal organs not functioning properly.

Get Aligned & Feel Like Your Higher Self Again!

Responsibilities and obligations of daily life can negatively influence our energy bodies. This can manifest as illness in our physical bodies. That’s why we should get aligned. Gaia Healers franchised locations will help keep your energy body running smoothly, so you can run that half marathon or that full day of meetings.

Where Do You Want to Improve?

See What Services Help...

We have a new approach to wellness and it makes a big difference

 Customized Sound Flie

Receive a custom sound file generated based on your energy wellness.

 Certified Practitioners

Our practitioners are highly experienced and skilled in analyzing biofield scans.

 Natural product lines

We use a scientific device to show you what products are good for you in real-time. No more try this!

Become a Holistic Biofield Practitioner

Start healing and help people live better! Explore the latest openings at Gaia Healers locations.

Be Your Best.
Feel Your Best.
Live Your Best.

We're making it easy for you to maintain a positive mind and attract abundance to your life. By continuing balancing and aligning your energy centers you can provide the environment for self healing. Become a member and enjoy customized sessions at lower rates, so you can experience the perks of monthly sessions. 

Start Feeling Your Best 


Bio Scan

Once energetic misbalances go unnoticed, they can manifest into physical illness. During a Biofield scan, a certified Bio-Well practitioner will monitor the flow of energy in your body using the science of Kirlian Photography and software created after 25 years of medical research in Russia. 

You will insert your fingers one by one into the camera, and after scanning the ten fingers, Bio-Well's software will analyze the information and generate a 22-page wellness report. We will see the points of attention energetically, and you can work on balancing those areas so you don't have to wait until you have symptoms. 

We highly recommend doing scans at least once a month so we can take care of issues as they arise!

Detox & Redox

Everyday life, aging, and poor diet can lead to toxins building up in our bodies and if we don't exercise regularly they can influence our energy levels and overall health. Also as we age our redox molecules diminish making harder for us to recover from injuries.

We check your biofield and look for high energy values in kidneys, liver or urogenital to see if you need detox. We also take a look the brain communication to see if redox is a good solution for you. A certified practitioner then will recommend you different holistic solutions that fits your lifestyle best.
Image on the left shows signs of overactivity signaling the need for detox. The image on the write was taken after a 30-day ASEA treatment including 3 ion therapy sessions.

Sound Therapy

A certified practitioner will scan your biofield then generate a custom music session for you based on the alignment of your energy centers and the quality of the flow of energy. You will relax on a comfortable chair while you will be wearing a special headset that broadcasts that frequency file through a scalar emitter that will help in improving your balance, sleep and intuition.
Different results can be expected for different people depending on how long the emotional issue has been going on in the system.

Photo Therapy

A certified practitioner will scan your biofield then apply non-transdermal photobiomodulation patches to help bring the body in balance. We know that our body emits ultraviolet light and that's what we are measuring with the Bio-Well. Now using the patches we reflect that light back to the body triggering the production of specific hormones and enzymes.

Meditation Coaching

A certified meditation practitioner will use specific technologies like HeartMath and BrainTap to monitor the brain activity and help you learn how to go into deep meditation scientifically. We can show your gamma, beta, alpha, theta and delta brain waves and educate you on how to maintain your mental coherence.
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